Strawberry Blast

Perfect for hot days -- and the child who refuses to drink something green. She gets to sit with her fruit smoothie and a plate of veggies and salad....

4-8 oz milk, rice milk, or almond milk
1  1/2 cups frozen strawberries
2 T raw honey

Add to blender in that order (always put liquid in first to ease blending process). 

You can drink just like that OR
pour into popsicle holders and freeze a couple hours for a fun snack on a hot day. 

Banilla Blast

8 oz milk, rice milk, or almond milk
2-3 frozen bananas, chopped
handful chopped raw walnuts or pecans
1 t cinnamon
1 T local honey or agave
1 T gd flax seed for Omegas
1/4 - 1/2 t vanilla (to taste -- some vanilla is stronger than others, start small and work your way up)

Blend well.

Pina Colada

We made these last summer at our Hawiian Luau 4th of July celebration. 

8 oz coconut milk
2 cups chopped fresh pineapple
1/2 c shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2 c creamed coconut, prepared (I use "Let's Do Organic creamed coconut which you prepare according to directions on the box)
2 T honey or cane sugar
